The Greyhound Protection League of New Zealand


Reckless breeding, preventable injuries, relentless culling. Greyhound racing is inhumane entertainment.


Greyhound protection: Advocacy and Activism

Greyhounds in racing are short term investments, placed at high risk and disposed of readily when the physical stress of racing takes over. Many are put to death for failing to even meet these business demands.
Most simply go missing. It is our belief that animals should be protected from industries and individuals who would seek to do them harm. Greyhound racing is inhumane and at odds with mainstream expectations.

Media Coverage

Media Coverage

Browse our media archives including shocking revelations from media heavyweights, 3rd Degree, 60 Minutes and 3News.

Adopt a greyhound

Greyhound Adoption

Pets not bets!
Learn more about the breed and how to adopt, foster, or otherwise help rescue organisations.

Political campaigning

Political Action

Be part of the campaign for greyhound protection.
Help lobby the government against gambling industry exploitation.

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